AMI - Rowe/AMI Musikboxen und Fernwähler im Archiv von Jukebox-World

AMI Background Music Systems 1957-76


Continuous Play   •••   HC-120   •••   G120   •••   K200 Halfback
•••   HA500   •••   HA600   •••   HA700   •••   HBE200
Customusic®  Programaster  
•••   CPC-60-1   •••   CPC-75   •••   CPC-10-1


Continuous Play Unit (1954)

Billboard, July 10, 1954, p. 86
AMI Continuous Play System



HC-120 (1954/55)

HC: Continuous play hideaway with extra speaker for background music

AMI Musikbox Jukebox HS80 HS 120 HC 80 HC 120 Hideaway



G120 Background Music System (1956)

Fotos und Information Terra Technica Museum    

Die Box ist auf kontinuierliches Spiel eingestellt. Selektor, Münzung, Kassa, Lautsprecher, Beleuchtung und Titelhalter sind nicht vorhanden.
Das Gehäuse ist wesentlich kleiner als die normale G-120 ausgelegt.
Die Box spielt ohne Unterbrechung sowohl "A" als auch "B" Seite jeder Platte ab. Ein Verstärker für Remote-Lausprecher ist vorhanden.

  The box is set to continuous play. There is no selector, coin mechanism, cash box, loudspeaker, lighting nor title holder.
The cabinet is considerably smaller than the regular G-120.
The box plays both "A" and "B" sides of each record without interruption. An amplifier for remote speakers is available.

AMI G120 background Music System

AMI G120 background Music System

AMI G120 background Music System

AMI G120 background Music System

AMI G120 background Music System



HBB-200 – Continious Play Hideaway Unit (1957-60)


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Background Music Program System HA 500 (1959 ?)


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JPK-200: Background Music Unit; so called "Halfback"; first introduced in May 1960

There might have been different versions available of model JPK.
1. Version:
  • Random play feature
  • Amplifier: R2017 with L2156
  • Speaker: one low range and one horn
  • Front glass: "AMI", "The World's Finest Music"
  • Keyboard: 100 selections but holds 100 records
  • Keylock "mode" switch in back:
    when repositioned all of the machine lights shut off and play the other 50 records in series
  • Two counters: one for normal, one for "background" play
  • Automatic selector with seven wire bundle connectors – related to the "background" music mode.


2. Version:
  • Amplifier: R2017-A with L2156-B
  • Date on certain parts: 30. Juni 1965
  • Keyboard for 200 selections (A – K / 1 – 20)
  • Front glass: "AMI" and "The World's Finest Music"
  • Mechanism: 995

AMI JPK-200 Mechanism 995



3. Version: Made of a manual selection AMI K? Photos courtesy of    













Background Music Program Center HA-600 & HBE-200 (1960-62)

 AMI Rowe Background Music System HBE-200, HA-600


Background Music Program Center HA-700 (1961-62)

 AMI Rowe Background Music System HA-700


Background Music Center "Customusic® Programaster" (1962) - photos by courtesy of Benjamin Thoburn

 AMI Rowe Background Music System HA 600 HA 900

AMI Rowe Background Music System HA 600 HA 900

AMI Rowe Background Music System Programaster



Background Music System "Customusic®  Programaster(1966) - no picture yet

 AMI Rowe Background Music System Programaster

More information about Background Music: A Background Music Report (pdf)



Background Music System "Customusic®  Programaster" CPC-60-1 (1975) - photos courtesy of Schwab Automaten


Capacity: six endless loop tapes for 60 hours of music without repeating a selection.

AMI Rowe Background Music System CPC-60-1

AMI Rowe Background Music System CPC-60-1

AMI Rowe Background Music System CPC-60-1

AMI Rowe Background Music System CPC-60-1

AMI Rowe Background Music System CPC-60-1

AMI Rowe Background Music System CPC-60-1

AMI Rowe Background Music System CPC-60-1

AMI Rowe Background Music System CPC-60-1

AMI Rowe Background Music System CPC-60-1

AMI Rowe Background Music System CPC-60-1



Background Music System "Customusic® Programaster" CPC-75 (1975)


Same features as CPC-60-1 except that one tapes is replaced by an anouncement tape

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Background Music System "Customusic®  Programaster" CPC-10-1 (1975)


with one ten hour cartridge (tape); five additional ones can be stored within the unit. Cartridges are changed manually

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Background Music System "Customusic®  Time Master" CPC-180 (year: ?

 AMI Rowe Background Music System CPC-180

Die Angaben haben keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit oder Richtigkeit.
Bei den (importierten) Boxen können im Laufe der Jahre durchaus Veränderungen vorgenommen worden sein. Copyright.

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