Rosenfield Mgf. Co. Musikbox im Archiv von Jukebox-World

Illustrated Song Machine (introduced late 1905 - 1906 model)


"The pictures being illuminated by electric light and greatly enlarged by powerful magnifying lenses gives an effect at once beautiful and realistic, and then the pictures pass slowly before the spectator's eyes in perfect union with the Talking machine, the pictures being desplayed appropriately to correspond with the words and music of the Talking Machine; thus furnishing to the public for the first time in automatic machines one of the most fascinating forms of amusement - one that will never lose its interest or novelty, as illustrated songs are really more popular now than when first introducedd nearly a quarter of a century ago."
Patents July 1884, Sep 1887, Nov 1903

Size: H75" x W23″ x D18″, 250 lbs


Ausgestattet mit einem Graphophone; weniger als 20 bekannte Exemplare weltweit.
Nach Einwurf eines Pennys verwendete man die zwei Ohrhörer und schaute durch ein Schaufenster.
  Equipped with a graphophone, Less than 20 machines are known to still existing.
After depositing a penny, one would use the two ear pieces while looking through the viewing window.

Illustrated Song Machine

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Illustrated Song Machine Rosenfield Mfg. Co.


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