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Johnny One Note    •••    Various promotion items


Hier stellen stellen wir Ihnen verschiedene Wurlitzer-Werbematerialien vor. Mit Johnny One Note gestaltete Wurlitzer von 1946-1948 eine groß angelegte Werbekampagne. Neben Werbungen (gemalt vom Künstler Albert Dorne, 1904 - 1965) in verschiedenen Zeitschriften (z.B. Saturday Evening Post) gab es Bierdeckel, Flyer, Speisekarten, Banner u.v.m. Vermutlich auch Dank dieser Werbekampagne ist der Name Wurlitzer heute ein Synonym für "Musikbox".
Mehr zum Johnny One Note Werbematerial finden Sie im


With this listing we present promotion materials used by Wurlitzer. With Johnny One Note Wurlitzer created a great commercial compaign from 1946-1948. Next to the advertisements - painted by the artist Albert Dorne (1904 - 1965) and published in various magazines like Saturday Evening Post - there were coasters, flyers, menus and a lot more available. This is probably the main reason why the name Wurlitzer is often used as a synonym for "Jukebox". More info on the Johnny One Note promoting material can be found in the

Johnny One Note    

Johnny One Note Werbung in Zeitschriften - ads in magazins 1946-48

Wurlitzer 1015 After the Easter Parade
Wurlitzer 1015 24 Top Bands Played at her Party
Wurlitzer 1015 The Magic That Changes Moods
Wurlitzer 1015 The Waltz She Will Always Remember
Wurlitzer 1015 Stop Linger and Listen
Wurlitzer 1015 Good Tip For A Good Time
Wurlitzer 1015 Fun for all ages - thanks to Wurlitzer Leadership
Wurlitzer 1015 Wherever you go it's fun to play Wurlitzer Music
Wurlitzer 1015 Silent Night - Holy Night
Wurlitzer 1015 Having a wonderful time
Wurlitzer 1015 Enjoy America's Favorite Worth Nickel Of Fun
Wurlitzer 1015 Wurlitzer Music is an American Tradition, too
Wurlitzer 1080 There's Always Warmth and Cheer
Wurlitzer 1100 "Gives you everything I put into my songs" says Al Jolson
Wurlitzer 1100 There's a Witchery to Wurlitzer Music
Wurlitzer 1100 Always the Life of the Party

Johnny One Note Werbebilder - display poster

It's your Turn to Play the Wurlitzer


Let's Have Music

Listen to Your Favorite Band

Treat her to Wurlitzer Music

Johnny One Note sonstige Artikel - miscellaneous

Swizzle Sticks


Bierdeckel - Coaster

Flasher Sign


Andere Werbeträger - miscellaneous promotional items

Surface Saver 1956  
Glass paper weight ?  
Trailer 1973 Promotion trailer with model 1050


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