Jukebox-World Jukeboxen Jukeboxes Jukeboxparts Jukebox parts Griechenland – Jugoslawien
Niederlande – Polen
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Griechenland   |   Jugoslawien   |   Niederlande   |   Polen

Griechenland   –   Greece   –   La Grèce


Conti 1 AMI Musikbox Jukebox Continental
Continental XJAA

Conti 1 AMI Musikbox Jukebox Continental
Continental XJDA



Ehemaliges Jugoslawien   –   Former Yugoslavia   –   Ancien Yougoslavie


Melodija 100A
Melodija 100A
(year: ?)
Melodija 100S
Melodija 100Z
Melodija 100z
(year: ?)


Niederlande   –   Netherlands   –   Les Pay Bas

Jos van Osch

Osch Osca 2304 Jukebox Musikbox


Osca 1963

Osca - Prototype

Extra Speaker

OSCA = derivation of Jos van OSCh Automats
Jos van Osch did run a café in Kerkriel from 1950 - 1956. There he met wirh Jan Rouvoet a distributor for coin opetarted machines. This was when Jos decided to switch to operating nut verndors and finally also other vending machines and jukeboxes. He operated e.g. Treff Arietta, Seeburg KD, NSM Fanfare 60 before he developped and invented his first OSCA wallmount jukebox in 1959.
Regarding a Billboard article from 1963 he introduced a new OCSA in the same year
and planned to export them. Two years later he wanted to built another one with more selections and imrovements but only three prototypes were built.

Ricatech – owner Richard Singh

OMT Elvis Presley Jukebox Musikbox Ricatech Wurlitzer One More Time
OMT- Elvis Presley

Elvis weiß

Elvis schwarz
Jukebox Musikbox Ricatech Playboy Rock-Ola
Until 2012 cooperation with Deutsche Wurlitzer, Germany.
Since 2014 cooperation with Rock-Ola USA owned by Glenn Streeter.

van der Heem

AMI models
under license


Polen   –   Poland   –   Pologne



Unitra (1945 - 4/1992)        

Unitra Meloman Jukebox Musikbox
Meloman M110/120

Meloman M121
(year ?)

Fonica M122
Unitra Fonica M120M Jukebox Musikbox
Fonica M 120M
Unitra Fonica M122 Jukebox Musikbox
Fonica M 122
Unitra Fonica M123 Jukebox Musikbox
Fonica M 123



(1 MB)

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Bei den (importierten) Boxen können im Laufe der Jahre durchaus Veränderungen vorgenommen worden sein. Copyright.

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