Cash box AMI I - Conti 2

Product 63 of 95
Item #: A335
stainless steel, AMI I, J, K, Continental, Lyric und Continental 2
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This is a true to original reproduction of the cashbox for models AMI I, J, K, Continental, Lyric and Continental 2 built from 1958 to 1962. The angle in the upper r.h. corner is applied carefully, too - compare detail picture.
To prevent from corrosion the cashbox is made from stainless steel and can be painted if wanted.

Size: H 153 x W 167 x D 167 mm

Limited availability! When stock is sold we won't do this item again.

Manufacturer: Stamann Musikboxen, Schafskamp 2, D-27243 Prinzhöfte, email:
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francois writes: 25.07.2020
Even the mat at bottom is there P-E-R-F-E-C-T !
DAMET writes: 22.03.2019
bon produit mais trop haut pour AMI 1
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