Lower trim "kickplate" for Conti 2

Product 4 of 95
True to original reproduction of the extruded profile which is located below the grill screen of the AMI Continental 2 models. The old "kickplates" are often damaged or look shappy.
This is the "icing on the cake" for a high quality restoration.
These new profiles are anodized in a plain "natural" color.
The red painting on the rear narrow edge isn't done. We recommend to use a colour which does match the red on the side trims of your jukebox, because the colors are often faded differently.
With paint or even a marker this detail can be done well - see picture #5.

The last photo shows the special srews to mount the trims, they are included.

It is possible that there are some very fine scratches in the surface of the anodizing.
These flaws can hardly be noticed from a distance like 1 meter or more.
We want to mention anyway.
Please order only if you can accept this.

Manufacturer: Stamann Musikboxen, Schafskamp 2, D-27243 Prinzhöfte, email: stamann@jukebox-world.de
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Vladimiro writes: 04.06.2024
I think that the jukebox parts that Mr. Stamann sells are unmatched in this category.
They are all of excellent workmanship and this one is certainly no exception.
It is truly a well-made piece with attention to detail.
Andrew writes: 31.07.2021
Nice equivalent extrusion
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