Freeplay adapter L100 - Q

Product 41 of 50
Item #: 49-6882
for L100, 101, Q100, Q160, AQ100, AQ160
available at Victory Glass, USA

Your Seeburg L100, 101, Q100, Q160, AQ100, AQ160 shall work permanently and safely on free play? Then this free play adapter is a good and safe option. It replaces the (sometimes troublesome) electro-mechanical credit units. It is a simple plug-in installation.

You can get it from Victory Glass in the USA: Please contact them directly.

Manufacturers description:
Here's how it works: SELECT lights up after pressing the first button. Latch solenoid remains at rest. When a selection is made, the first key (letter or number) is pressed, the latch solenoid energizes to complete the selection in the conventional way.
Also has my exclusive safety feature: If ONLY one letter or number key is pressed, the latch solenoid releases the key and goes back to the rest position after 15 seconds. No more HOT and BUZZING latch solenoid. Eliminates the fire hazard caused by an overheated solenoid.
The counter does not get activated.


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Alfred writes: 07.01.2019
Sehr zu empfehlen , da es jederzeit wieder in den Original Zustand zurück gerüstet werden kann ,
und vor allem schützt es die Tastatur Spule.

Alfred Freinberger
* incl. tax, plus shipping