Turntable motor mount
These rubber motor mounts are needed to hold the turntable motors on different jukeboxes from Wurlitzer (USA), German Wurlitzer, Jupiter (Elektro-Kicker) and Bergmann (with Jupiter mechanism). Especially when running US jukeboxes at 50 Hz. more vibrations show up, hence the rubber mounts should be softer than originally. Due to this purpose the offered version has been made from softer rubber to absorb the motor vibrations better.
They are used in:
- US-Wurlitzer Models 1700 - 2800: Two motor mounts are required, orig. #60882.
- US-Wurlitzer Models 2900 - 3300: Three motor mounts are required, orig. #60882.
- US-Wurlitzer Models 3400 - 3900, 7500 and 1050: Four motor mounts are required, orig. #60882.
- US Wurlitzer: Replacement for the original rubbers in PCBs of amplifier 530, 532, and 536
- German Wurlitzer Models up to 1969 (vertical TT): Three motor mounts are required.
- German Wurlitzer Models 1969 - 1974 (flat TT): Three motor mounts are required.
- Jupiter (Elektro-Kicker) 1956 to 1975: Two motor mounts are required.
- Bergmann Models 1966 and up using Jupiter technology: Two motor mounts are required.
Size: 15 x 15 mm
Delivery incl. washers and nuts
Price per piece.
Please note: For the lower motor mount on US Wurlitzer jukeboxes W1700 - 2800 (upright mechanism) the rubbers W012 are needed.
Sorry, not available right now.
Manufacturer: Stamann Musikboxen, Schafskamp 2, D-27243 Prinzhöfte, stamann@jukebox-world.de
Product information
- Johann writes: 16.04.2024
Danke alles in bester Ordnung. Gerne wieder !
Leonardo writes:
Ottima qualità come sempre, Jupiter 80 L
- Hervé writes: 23.11.2023
j'ai utilisé ces supports sur chaque jukebox Jupiter que j'ai restauré
Permet de remplacer ceux d'origine qui se craquellent et redonne un bon support au moteur PU
mis sur Palm Beach , S104, 100K
- Jean-Claude writes: 02.05.2023
Pour le support du moteur PU d'un Jupiter S120. Aucun soucis.
Contact excellent et une livraison rapide.
- CLAUDE writes: 20.04.2023
Commandés pour un Cabaret 7500 (4 pièces).
Livraison rapide et fonctionnement OK. Merci !
declan writes:
excellent replacement parts. very reasonable price. and sent immediately!
Jean writes:
Vibration reduziert. Perfekt !
- Geir writes: 31.05.2022
Quality as always
Soren writes:
Very good rubber mounts took away 80% of the rumble the last 20% is the cartridge where the suspension is gone. Make sure the size is right, I have a Mexican Sonata (Wurlitzer 1050 Nostalgia) and in that one the rubber mount are 12.7 mm, so I had to make 2 new holes M4 to compensate. My failure I should have done my homework better. Thank you for a good service
Dion writes:
nickel envoie rapide
Wolfgang writes:
Sehr guter Ersatz für die in die Jahre gekommenen, meist bereits abgeknickten, abgebrochenen und verhärteten originalen Gummis. Die Vibrationen werden sehr gut gedämpft, das "Rumpeln" ist nicht mehr zu hören
Rick writes:
Andreas writes:
Einfach montiert - Vibration reduziert - Perfekt !
- John writes: 07.07.2021
Fitted the rubber mounts into a Wurl.2204 t/t motor, results excellent!
- Frans writes: 01.06.2021
den Puffer Ist glucklich noch von alten qualitet.
John writes:
A perfect reproduction of the original part!
Hervé writes:
utiliser sur le support du moteur PU d'un Jupiter S104. Aucun soucis, super
jean writes:
parfait et très pratique pour support moteur jukebox, Livraison rapide . Merci
CHENEVAL writes:
Très bien
Jürgen writes:
Gut und passt
Peter writes:
Great quality, soft compound which has reduced vibration completely on my turntable drive motor.
Andreas writes:
wie immer alles bestens! einfach zu montieren optimale Dämpfung !
- mario writes: 30.10.2018
Il prodotto è ottimo ma quello che è più importante è avere rapporti con una azienda veramente seria e stamann lo è a tutti gli effetti a partire dall'ottimo rapporto con i clienti e la velocità con cui l'ordine si è concluso ,grazie ancora e speriamo che tutte le aziende operanti sul web seguano il vostro esempio
- Andreas writes: 12.09.2018