Pug, standing

Product 14 of 43
Item #: Kö-F5890
Manufacturer Kösen, size 40 cm (~16"), grey
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Genetic analysis have shown that the dog started developing from the wolf about 135.000 years ago. Yet it is highly unlikely that the wolvess were simply domesticated. Contrary to dogs they loose their tameness when they become young grown ups. It is assumed that there had been some wolves that were more trusting and thus dared to go near the upcoming settlings of men. They discovered this way an ecological niche, because there always had been some leftovers. Thus the more trusting wolves had a selective benefit and over thousands of years they evolved into their own species: The dog. Humans were able to breed these for special purposes or as a companion dog soley.

One of this breeds is the pug. It has presumably been bred in China and was brought to the Netherlands in early 17th century. The English name "Pug" probably comes from the latin "pugnus" which means fist, because the head looks like a closed fist. The pug does not need much run-off and has a low developed hunting instinct. That and the distinctive friendliness, patience, and sociability make these dogs a perfect (family) pet. It does (unluckily) show a low sense of pain.

Typical chracteristics of the pug are a flat face, cobby body and curly tail. The fur is either light coloured like shown here or black.

The German humourist Loriot mentioned ones day (translated): "A life without a pug is possible but useless."
Agree with Loriot and do a deep look into the pug's eyes. Aren't they true and promise a longlife friendship?

Size: 40 cm (~16")
Colour: Grey
Filling: Special polyester fibres
Manufacturer: Kösener Spielzeug Manufaktur GmbH, Rudelsburgpromenade 20 c, D-06628 Bad Kösen, email: info@koesener.de

The proceeds of this sale will be donated to a children's charity organisation.


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