Hedgehog, small

Product 44 of 106
Item #: Kö-F3470
Manufacturer Kösen. size 12 cm (~ 4,8"), tinged with brown
Awarded with grade "spiel gut" (means "play well").
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Everybody knows this spinose fellow: The hedgehog (Erinaceidae) which belongs to one of the eldest existing mammals. It's ancestors lived already 65 million years ago. Hedgehogs are nocturnals and belong to the insect-eating hibernating animals.
The spines, indeed they are modified hollow hairs, protect the hedgehog. In case of danger it rolls itself as a bowl and protects its soft and vulnerable balley.

Originally hedgehogs lived in forest. Due to changes in environment they can be found in gardens too, as long as those offer hedges, bushes, leaves and safe places to hide itself.

Size: 12 cm (~ 4.8")
Colour: Tinged with brown
Filling: Special polyester fibres
Manufacturer: Kösen Spielzeug Manufaktur GmbH, Rudelsburgpromenade 20 c, D-06628 Bad Kösen, email: info@koesener.de

Awarded with grade "spiel gut" (means "play well").

The proceeds of this sale will be donated to a children's charity organisation.


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