Beautiful Squirrel, standing

Product 8 of 13
Item #: Kö-F7760
Manufacturer Kösen, length 46 cm (~ 18"), four-coloured
Kösen Novelties 2023
Currently not available.
Not all squirrels are the same. While we know squirrels and chipmunks best, in Southeast Asia live the Beautiful Squirrels (Callosciurinae). With their 14 species and about 320 subspecies they belong to the tropical squirrels and owe their name to their most colourful fur.
Beautiful squirrels are diurnal. They live in the tropical rainforests, but some species have become native to parks and gardens as cultural successors. They feed themselves - like typically for squirrels - fruits, seeds and nuts, but also insects and bird eggs. The nests are built from plants in trees.
Squirrels are mavericks and give birth to one to five young per year.

Our Beautifiul Squirrel loves forests, gardens, parks, cozy sofas and attractive living rooms. It will fit in where it feels completely at home, comfortable and is well cared for.

Length: 46 cm (~ 18")
Colour: Four-coloured in black, brown, white and grey
Filling: Polyester fibres
Manufacturer: Kösener Spielzeug Manufaktur GmbH, Rudelsburgpromenade 20 c, D-06628 Bad Kösen, email:

The proceed of this sales will be donated to a children's charity organisation.


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