Rhinoceros, middle size, lying

Product 5 of 60
Item #: Kö-F7460
Manufacturer Kösen, length 52 cm (~ 20.5"), grey-brown
The rhinoceros (Rhinocerotidae) belongs to the family of odd-toed ungulates with five species.
The name derives of course to the most characteristic feature: The horn on the nose. While the white and black rhinoceros (Africa) have two horns, the Java, Indian and Sumatran rhinoceros (Asia) have only one.
Together with the elephants and hippopotamuses they belong to the "old ones" on our planet: A history, which already originated well 50 million years ago.

After 16 - 18 months the female rhinoceros (cow) gives birth to a calf. This weighs then already approx. 80 kg, size about 50 cm. Although rhinoceros tend to be solitary animals - the bulls always are - small herds of cows with their calves can also be found in the savannahs. The calves live with their mothers for up to three years.
Rhinos belong to the large herbivores and feed on 100 kg of grass and leaves per day.
They can live 25 - 30 years.

Today, rhinoceros are threatened with extinction. Dwindling habitats and poaching for the coveted horn have led to dramatically declining numbers.

Our middle-sized rhinoceros would of course love to stay longer with the small one. However, if it finds a new loving owner, it will be happy to move and explore the new environment.

The last photo shows left the middle-sized lying rhinoceros next to the small one (Kö-F7450).

Length: 52 cm (~ 20.5")
Colour: Grey-Brown
Filling: Special polyester fibres
Horn: Alcantara
Manufacturer: Kösener Spielzeug Manufaktur GmbH, Rudelsburgpromenade 20 c, D-06628 Bad Kösen, email: info@koesener.de

The proceeds of this sale will be donated to a children's charity organisation.


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