Goat kid "Meck"

Item #: Kö-F4570
Manufacturer Kösen, size 15 cm (~6"), brown-white
Awarded with grade "spiel gut" (mans play well).

Goats (Capra aegagrus hircus) are frugal and carefree. Their habitat is in the mountains, where there is little food. They are very strong and thus have been used as draft animals. They eat almost every plant and normally only a small amount of grass. So they work as natural weed killers even on rough terrain.
During the last years the angora and the cashmere goat have come to great popularity. Their wool can be yarned and woven into fluffy pullovers.

Like its living conspecifics our plush toy "Fanny" is very curious and intelligent. Thus goats are often able to escape from their pens, by pushing down fences or climbing over them. Little goats do even climb through coarsemeshed fences if the grass looks tastier on the other side.
We are sure: Our plush goat "Meck" does not run away. It is far to curious about its new home and is looking forward to extensive gimmickry and will not become goatish.

The last picture shows the goat "Fanni" (Kö-F4401) with the offered goat kid "Meck" (Kö-F4570).

Size: 15 cm (~ 6")
Colour: Brown-white
Filling: Special polyester fibres
Manufacturer: Kösener Spielzeug Manufaktur GmbH, Rudelsburgpromenade 20 c, D-06628 Bad Kösen, email: info@koesener.de

Awarded with grade "spiel gut" (mans play well).

The proceed of this sales will be donated to a children's charity organisation.


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Astrid Isabel writes: 10.06.2018
Das kleine Zicklein ist sehr lebensecht und toll kuschelig und es ist auch richtig schön. Blaue Augen hat es!!!
Qualität ist 1+ . Ein schöner Begleiter, Spielgefährte und Glücksbringer.
Natürlich bekommt meines bald noch ein Elternteil :D
* incl. tax, plus shipping