Elephant Baby "Kira", lying

Product 45 of 62
Item #: Kö-F4690
Manufacturer Kösen, size 46 cm (~ 18.25"), grey
Especially soft and flexible, filled with granules.

Elephants (Elephantidae) are the tallest mammals on earth. While Bush and Forest Elephants are living in Africa, the Asian Elephant can be found in India, Sri Lanka and part of the Sunda Islands. They differ in characteristics like size in general, shape of head and back, size of the ears and tusks and whether the trunk shows a one- or two finger-like extension. Common for all remains that humans take more and more of their habitat and they get killed by poachers for their ivory - although the "Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora" was signed in 1973 already.

Elephants show a great social behaviour. They are able to solve a problem together like a team. All members of a herd take care of young elephants as well as old ones. They mourn for lost members, sometimes several days.
Elephants recognize themselves in a mirror. Their communication happens mostly infransonically. These non-hearable vibrations get transfered by air and earth and allow "to talk" with other elephants even over very long distances.

The calf gets delivered after 20 - 22 months and weighs already about 100 kg. At the age of one year the tusks start to grow - except with Asian female elphants, which don't have tusks at all.

We do not know the exact age of this plush elephant baby, but it's younger than one year. Like all babies it desires a lot of care, hugs and love. It looks for a new home to make as many good experiences as possible. It looks quite excited, doesn't it?

Size: 46 cm (~ 18.25'')
Colour: Grey
Filling: Graules and polyester fibres
Manufacturer: Kösener Spielzeug Manufaktur GmbH, Rudelsburgpromenade 20 c, D-06628 Bad Kösen, email: info@koesener.de

Especially soft and flexible, filled with granules

The last photo shows the whole family of "Kira": The twins "Tembo" (Kö-F4680, front right and upper left), the grown-up standing elephant "Njogu" (Kö-F4680) and the lying one "Matibi" (Kö-F4900, upper right).

The proceeds of this sale will be donated to a children's charity organisation.


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