Wombat "Donna"

Product 16 of 62

The Wombat (Vombatidae) with its bear-like appearance is one of the nocturnal marsupials and lives exclusively in southern and eastern Australia. Being a herbivore, it belongs to the largest burrowing mammals in general. With its sharp claws it digs caves and tunnels up to 20 m long and 3.5 m deep. As most pouched animals the Common Wombat is a solitary. However, if the area they inhabit - it can vary from 5 to 25 ha - overlaps with each other Wombats, the caves are also shared with each other. Hence also small colonies can be found. It might depend on the species.
Of course, wombats do have a pouch in which the immature off-spring crawls and spends about six months. This pouch is not opened forward, but to the rear. This avoids that sand gets into the pouch while digging.
The name "Wombat" comes from the language of the Aborigines of New South Wales. They called them - depending on the area - "Womback" or "Womat".

While the Northern Hairy-Nosed Wombat living in a small park in Queensland belongs to the most endangered species - it is said that only about 100 animals are still existing - the other two species are not threatened. Nevertheless, ranchers and farmers do not welcome Wombats much because of their large digging activity.

Of course, our Wombat "Donna" does not belong to the endangered species and is a welcome plush animal. Only while playing it might dig a cave scenery beneath pillows and blankets, is friendly and invites to cuddle and share time with each other. Of course, it also has a pouch, and could thus take care of a cub later.

Size: 35 cm (~ 14")
Colour: Greying
Filling: Polyester fibre
Manufacturer: Kösener Spielzeug Manufaktur GmbH, Rudelsburgpromenade 20 c, D-06628 Bad Kösen, email: info@koesener.de

The proceeds of this sale will be donated to a children's charity organisation.


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Astrid Isabel writes: 31.01.2019
Mein Wombat ist allerliebst und gehört nun zu meinen Lieblingstieren. Es ist schön weich und total niedlich.
Es hat einen Beutel am Bauch und sieht sehr echt aus und ist bis ins Detail wunderschön gemacht.
Die Qualität ist wie immer super.
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