Little Wolf, standing

Product 6 of 11

The wolf (Canin lupus), belonging to the family of dogs, is located in Europe, Asia and Northamerica actually. At least in Middle and West Europe it was almost extincted. But during the second half of 20th century a rethinking did happen, and projects to protect the wolf were initialized. Coming from East-Europe and due to straight steps the first wolves can be found in wild nature again.

Whether the fable name "Isengrim" comes from "îsen" (iron) und "grînen" (to growl) or refers to "grima" which means a face, it is not known for sure. But there are much more myths and legend about the wolf than any other animal. In fairy tales it is an evil and greedy animal, in movies it is the malignity in person.
A possible explanation might be in the wolf's character to react doggish and revengeful when being in fear of man. This is how Franz Kottenkamp described its behaviour already in 1852 denoting that the wolf is not evil in itself.

Today it is known that wolves are of a very high social behaviour and very adaptable, too. They live in a family, a pack, which both the male and female wolf are predominant. They take care of rules, safety and responsibilty.

Nowadays there are programs to resettle wolves in Germany, four mating pairs have immigrated from Eastern Europe, marking a first success.
The last photo shows it with its family. You see how much the adult wolf (Kö-F3840) cares about the two puppies (right Kö-F5220; left the offered litle lying wolf Kö-F5210).

Length: 20 cm (~ 8")
Colour: Grey-brown
Filling: Special polyester fibres
Manufacturer: Kösener Spielzeug Manufaktur GmbH, Rudelsburgpromenade 20 c, D-06628 Bad Kösen, email:

The proceed of this sales will be donated to a children's charity organisation. Hence this wolf puppy will spend joy two times.


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