Schematics NSM E-technology

Product 2 of 83
Item #: HNEPK
For wiring, operating and amplifier
Please select a variant

We offer the schematics for all NSM models with E-technology as oversized and standard copies.
The electrical and wiring diagram are oversized, the amplifier documentation E76M is standard size.

Models with E-technology were introduced in 1977. In 1978 some small changes were done. Please choose from the drop-down-list the needed schematics.

Difference e.g:

  • 1977:
    Coin mechanism with two bi-pin lamps 18V 40 mA

  • 1978:
    Coin mechanism with LED I - IV s and transistors instead of bi-pin lamps

Please note: These schematics are for models Hit E120/E120A, Consul E120/160, Prestige E120/160 and Hideaway E, not for earlier or later ones.

Manufacturer: Stamann Musikboxen, Schafskamp 2, D-27243 Prinzhöfte, email:
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Michael writes: 26.10.2021
Pläne einwandfrei und gut lesbar, wie gewohnt - alles perfekt !
Roland writes: 19.06.2019
Hervorragend schnell, sehr freundliche und profisionelle Beratung,
kann ich nur Empfehlen.
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