Drive belt for turntable 33-1/3 RPM and animation

Product 2 of 52
Item #: W004-33
Turntables Wurlitzer 2600, 2700, 2800 and animation AMI/Rowe JAN, JAO - 50 Hz.

Wurlitzer: This TT-drive belt is needed when Wurlitzer models 2600, 2700 and 2800 are equipped with the Intermix to play 45 RPM as well as 33 1/3 RPM records and run at 50 Hz. The original part number is 119823 resp. 122501.

Rowe/AMI: This drive belt replaces the one in the upper colour animation of models AMI/Rowe JAN and JAO working with 50 Hz- original part numer: 200-12499.

Manufacturer: Stamann Musikboxen, Schafskamp 2, D-27243 Prinzhöfte,
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Rudi writes: 16.07.2020
affidabile e veloce la consegna, il prodotto corrisponde esattamente alla descrizione, un sincero ringraziamento alla ditta.
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