Seeburg's Red Box and MCU Systems

Product 43 of 85
Item #: B080
Operation and Troubleshooting Guide by Tony Miller Seeburg Models from 1977 to 1981

This book covers two different credit and selection systems used in Seeburg models from 1977 - 1981: CPS1 (aka "Red Box") and MCU (MicroComputer). It offers an in-depth documentation on the design, development, function, and troubleshooting precedures. Each chapter includes timing diagrams, sequences for credit add or attract, and signal dependencies. Some common problems get described though they are independant from the credit and selection system used (e.g. scans twice plays nothing). There is also an explanation of how the Tormat Memory Unit works and a chapter on remote control, detailing the use of DEC Consolette and DCT1 translator for Red Box.

Tony Miller about himself: "I was directly involved with the development of the red box. ... I was originally assigned to work on the MCU, also. Due to a disagreement with Seeburg management over the patent agreement they wanted me to sign, I left Seeburg prior to starting work on the MCU. Three years later, I was the Director of Engineering at Universal Research Laboratories Inc., which was part of Stern Electronics. Seeburg was purchased by them in 1980, and I was asked to re-design the main MCU board as another "spare time project" to improve its manufacturability and reliability."

The first chapter of this book covers the Red Box which was used in two models only: in 100-77D (Topaz) and 100-78D (Celestia). The second part describes the MCU of models SMC1 (Disco), SMC2 (Phoenix), SMC3 (Prelude) and the more rare 100-79D (DaVinci). Table of content:
- Foreword
- Introduction
- Schematic Symbols
- Trouble Shooting Tools
- Part I: The CSP1 Red Box
     Origins of Red Box
     Overview of the Red Box
     The Red Box Credit System
     The Red Box Selection System
     Red Box Miscellaneous Circuitry
     Red Box Remote Selections
     Mechanism and Red Box Trouble Shooting
- Parts II: The MCU Systems
     The MK3870 CPU, RAM & Associated Circuitry
     MCU Credits
     Keyboard, CPA, and Display
     Mechanism Control for the MCU Jukebox
     The MCU Power Supply
     MCU Remote Selections
     MCU Trouble Shooting
     Semiconductor Cross-reference
     CSP1 Schematic Diagram

Licensed reprint, 211 pages, black&white with many diagrams, English, spiralbound

About the author: Tony Miller worked at Seeburg right after leaving High School from 1964 to 1977. He was in charge for quality, amplifiers and development. In 1979, after leaving Seeburg for the "Universal Research Laboratories" which belonged to the Stern-Group, Tony was in charge for jukeboxes again: The development of the MCU and Red Box systems used in Seeburgs last models.
Tony Miller passed away on April 6, 2009. With these books he inherited us his great knowledgement about Seeburg technology of the 1960s and 1970s.

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