Housing for Wurlitzer RCV

Product 63 of 67

We offer an exact reproduction for various Wurlitzer remote volume controls, e.g. 143, 147, 155, 160. they are made from metal and zinc plated afterwards to protect for corrosion. Now you can replace the damaged original one or build your own remote volume control.

We offer the cover plate, decals for front of 143 and 147 as well as the potentiometer (EP005, EP006, EP007) and a knob for cancelling (E042).

Manufacturer: Stamann Musikboxen, Schafskamp 2, D-27243 Prinzhöfte, email: stamann@jukebox-world.de
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Real writes: 25.02.2022
Like everything from this place, the piece is wonderful, of excellent quality and an exact replica of the original.
* incl. tax, plus shipping