Marmot "Murmeli"

Product 30 of 38
Item #: Kö-F4550
Manufacturer Kösen, size 34 cm (~ 13.4"), brown
Especially soft and flexible, filled with granules.

Marmots (Marmota) belong to the family of Large Ground Squirrels (Marmotini) and are located in Middle Europe, Eurasia and North America. They live in the mountains partially above the tree line and prefer southern slopes.

Being a rodent marmots dig large burrows which offer both aisles for life and escape. In late summer they start to make hay by beating grass and let it dry in the sun. They use it to cushion their nests for the hibernation.
Marmots live in large colonies. When meeting each other they rub their noseses and put thier heads together.

Marmot "Murmeli" made hay already and did cushion its winter nest cosy. Now there is enpugh time left to meet somebody to rub the nose with and put its head together with.

Size: 34 cm (~ 13.4")
Colour: Brown
Filling: Granules
Manufacturer: Kösener Spielzeug Manufaktur GmbH, Rudelsburgpromenade 20 c, D-06628 Bad Kösen, email:

Especially soft and flexible, filled with granules.

The proceed of this sales will be donated to a children's charity organisation.


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Petra writes: 15.08.2019
Die Murmeltiere von Kösen sind (wieder einmal) naturgetreu und, wie ich finde, auch witzig gelungen. Das große Exemplar hat einen gewaltigen Kuschelfaktor!
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