Noah's Arc

The Old Testament says that Noah got the order to built an arc and to take his family and a pair of each animal with him when the earth will be flooded. This was done. To find out when the Deluge would be ended and land could be seen again, Noah frequently did sent out a pigeon to bring him a limb of a tree. This happened after ten lunar months, it is said. In these days often a white pidgeon with an olive branch can be seen.
In our arc we house all those plush animals which are either threatened or already extinct as a real animal in nature or which are difficult for us to sort somehow.

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  • Lynx, sitting
    Manufacturer Kösen, height 43 cm (~ 17")
    Awarded with grade "spiel gut" (means "play well").
    Item #: Kö-F3550
  • Lynx, studio animal
    Manufacturer Kösen, height 66 cm (~ 26")
    Item #: Kö-F6270
  • Badger
    Manufacturer Kösen, size 47 cm (~ 18.5"), grey with black and white
    Item #: Kö-F4240
  • Ibex "Louis"
    Manufacturer Kösen, size 35 cm (~ 14"), light brown
    Item #: Kö-F5160
  • Lionbaby, sitting
    Manufacturer Kösen, height 17 cm (~ 6.8"), golden yellow
    Item #: Kö-F6310
  • Lionbaby, standing
    Manufacturer Kösen, size 22 cm (~ 8.8"), golden yellow
    Awarded with grade "spiel gut" (means "play well").
    Item #: Kö-F2890
  • Lion "Shari", lying
    Manufacturer Kösen, length 50 cm (~ 19.8"), golden yellow
    Especially soft and flexible, filled with granules
    Item #: Kö-F3760
  • Lion "Talek", standing
    Manufacturer Kösen, size 48 cm (~ 19"), golden yellow
    Item #: Kö-F3740
  • Lioness "Mara"
    Manufacturer Kösen, size 48 cm (~ 19"), golden yellow
    Item #: Kö-F3750
  • Lion cub "Uzuri"
    Manufacturer Kösen, size 33 cm (~ 13"), golden yellow
    Item #: Kö-F4500
  • Panther Baby "Rangi"
    Manufacturer Kösen, size 16 cm (~ 6.2"), black
    Item #: Kö-F4470
  • Black Panther "Nalini", lying
    Manufacturer Kösen, length 40 cm (~ 15.8")
    Especially soft and flexible, filled with granules.
    Item #: Kö-F4530
  • Lion, white
    Manufacturer Kösen, size 48 cm (~ 18.9"), white
    Item #: Kö-F7020
  • Eagle Chick "Toni"
    Manufacturer Kösen, size 17 cm (~ 7"), white
    Especially soft and flexible, filled with granules.
    Item #: Kö-F5050
  • Sea Eagle
    Manufacturer Kösen, size 50 cm (~ 19.8"), brown
    Item #: Kö-F5040
  • Mini-Elephant
    Manufacturer Kösen, size 25 cm (~ 10"), grey
    Item #: Kö-F1945
  • Elephant, small, lying
    Manufacturer Kösen, size 27 cm (~ 10.6"), grey
    Item #: Kö-F7540
  • Elephant Baby "Kira", lying
    Manufacturer Kösen, size 46 cm (~ 18.25"), grey
    Especially soft and flexible, filled with granules.
    Item #: Kö-F4690
  • Elephant
    Manufacturer Kösen, size 40 cm (~ 16"), grey
    Item #: Kö-F1955
  • Elephant Baby "Tembo", standing
    Manufacturer Kösen, size 40 cm (~ 15.4"), grey
    Item #: Kö-F4680
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* incl. tax, plus shipping