Other Needles

Made by Dual, BSR, Astatic, PE, Elac, Philips and other manufacturers
Cartridges from regular record players can be found in jukeboxes from time to time. If they can stand the tonearm weight of a jukebox it is fine to use them.
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  • Elac SNM104
    sapphire tipped
    Item #: N262
  • Garrard GCS23
    diamond for various cartridges by Garrard, EEi, ERC, Fox et.al, flipover
    Item #: N680
  • Garrard KS 40A
    for stereo cartridge Garrard KS 40
    Item #: N705-35
  • Garrard KS 40A, diamond/sapphire
    45/78 rpm, for cartridge Garrard KS 40
    Item #: N705-36
  • Merula STK 495/1
    diamond, for Deutsche Wurlitzer 1961-65 with white pick-up and some Jupiter
    Item #: N534
  • PE 188
    diamond, for Perpetuum Ebner PE-188, 2x LP/S
    Item #: N473
  • PE194 NM
    sapphire, double-sided, for PE 194
    Item #: N721
  • Philips AG3306
    sapphire, flip over 2x LPS
    Original Philips No. 946/SS50
    Item #: N475-SA
  • Philips AG3310
    diamond/sapphire, flip over for 2x LPS
    original Philips no. 946/DS51
    for Diplomat A, B and C
    Item #: N475-D
  • Philips GP204
    sapphire, 45 RPM
    Item #: N760S
  • Ronette BF40
    diamond, for Jupiter 104S - 120SL, Marchant Emaphone and Chantal Cocktail, probably Seeburg
    for cartridges from Ronette, PE, Fox, Arista and Sonotone
    Item #: N348
  • Ronette SC107
    sapphire for cartridge Ronette 107
    Item #: N694
  • Ronette TO284, 78 rpm
    sapphire, 3 mil, 78 rpm, for Ronette, Merula SK461, Pfanstiehl P51-2, and various by Astatic
    Item #: N346-78
  • Sanyo ST05D
    diamond, for Sanyo MG05
    Item #: N2447
  • Sanyo ST09D
    diamond, for Sanyo, Sharp, Kenwood, and others
    Item #: N2532
  • Shure N3D
    diamond, for Shure M3D, 45 rpm
    Item #: N434
  • Shure N70-3
    diamond, 78 rpm, for Shure M70 weight 1,5 - 3 Gramm
    Item #: N829
  • Shure P73
    diamond, 78 rpm, for Shure cartridge P-30, P-35, P-70, P-73 and others
    Item #: N359
  • Sonotone 16T
    diamond, stereo, 45/78 RPM
    fits also Sonoflex 9TAF and Astatic 671
    Item #: N439
  • Sony ND-134G
    diamond, for Sony, stereo
    Item #: N149.32
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* incl. tax, plus shipping