Zwischen Steckrüben und Himbeereis

Item #: B060
"Nachkriegselend und Wohlstandsglück im Oldenburger Land" - German book about people in North Germany remembering the post war period

This book is a travel back in time - back into the 1950s when the economy did grew again. People from the northern part of Germany remember themselves about these times, when the Beetle became popular, the jukebox did play, girls did wear petticoats and boys could buy their first electric razor; when the TV came up and everybody wanted to listen to Bill Haley.

Of course this book tells also about those times of poverty after the war, about children's toys and the daily life of a medical practician, about first holday trips over the Alps, movies, the pub and corner shop close by.

152 pages, hardcover, b&w and colour photos, written in German only

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