Seeburg 100-Selection Jukeboxes

Product 4 of 88
Item #: B083
of the 60s and early 70s
Operation and Troubleshooting Guide by Tony Miller Seeburg Models from 1964 to 1974

This book covers the 100-Seelction jukeboxes by Seeburg which were built between 1964 and 1974: Seeburg U100 to SB100. It starts with a short introduction of these seven models, followed by a detailed description of the technical equipment like pricing unit, mechanism, sound, and stepper. The troubleshooting section covers common problems with credit, selection, remote control, and sound. The last chapter offers a cross reference for semiconductors used in these models.

Tony Miller: "You might be asking, "just what does this manual cover?" The complete Pricing and Selection System for all seven models, the sound system for all models except the SB100, the optional Stepper and Powered Remote Volume Control (PRVC), and mechanism modifications from model to model. Also included is a Trouble Shooting guide, and a Cross reference for all Semiconductors used in these machines."

This books covers models U100 (Mustang), U100D (Discothèque Junior), S100 (Phono Jet), SE100 (Golden jet), SX100 (Marauder), SL100 (Carnival), and SB100 (Magnastar). Table of content:
- Introduction
- Schematic Symbols
- Pricing Unit
- Selection System
- Stepper
- Mechanism Motor and Power
- Mechanism
- Sound System
- Troubleshooting
- Semiconductor Cross-Reference
- Scanned Schematics: SPU3, SPU4, SPU5 Composite, SSU1, SSU4, SCC1, SCC4, SCC9, TSA2, SAM1, TSA9

Licensed reprint, 112 pages, black&white with many diagrams, English, spiralbound

About the author: Tony Miller worked at Seeburg right after leaving High School from 1964 to 1977. He was in charge for quality, amplifiers and development. In 1979, after leaving Seeburg for the "Universal Research Laboratories" which belonged to the Stern-Group, Tony was in charge for jukeboxes again: The development of the MCU and Red Box systems used in Seeburgs last models.
Tony Miller passed away on April 6, 2009. With these books he inherited us his great knowledgement about Seeburg technology of the 1960s and 1970s.

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Thomas writes: 03.09.2020
Sehr hilfreich. Ist wirklich zu empfehlen.
Hanspeter writes: 31.05.2018
umfassende Beschreibung von Aufbau und Funktion der einzelnen Komponenten der 100-Wahlen-Modelle
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